914 296 207 info@hostallido.com

Situation Map

Directions from the airport “Adolfo Suarez”, Barajas (Madrid)


The approximated cost of the passage is of 30 €.


  • Line 8 until Colombia, line 9 until Principe de Vergara and line 2 until Sevilla.
  • Line 8 untill Nuevos Ministerios, then railway untill Sol.


There are buses that travel from the airport and Plaza de Colon each 10-15 minutes, from 5:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

The duration of the travel is between half an hour and 3/4 of hour, when the traffic is not congested. During the rush hours maybe one hour of travel.

The ticket costs approximately 3 €. From Plaza de Colon is near the underground Colon or Serrano.